My Telecom — Connection APIs

Connection APIs


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SMS gateway http REST

HTTP integration through REST

The HTTP connection API allows integrating your application with our SMS gateway using the HTTP or HTTPS (for safe transactions through SSL cryptography) protocols. Both request and response are made by the REST API in JSON format, making it simple to use the API with any programming language.

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SMS gateway HTTP GET

HTTP integration through GET

The API of HTTP integration through GET is an integration API more simple for sending SMS. By rule, this implementation is rapid and easy and supports a great range of functionality and message types. Due to its integration time, you only need informatic equipment in which to execute the script or the application and browser or HTTP tool.

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SMS gateway SMPP

Integration through the standard SMS protocol

The Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP) protocol is standard for messages industry to send SMS, projected to simplify the integration of data applications with wireless mobile networks.
Besides that, it's the most used protocol in the telecommunications industry for the messages interchange between SMSC (Short Message Service Centers) and ESME (External Short Messaging Entities). This protocol guarantees a fast SMS delivery allowing thus multiple requests at once.

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