My Telecom — Mass SMS

SMS Marketing campaigns with Mytelecom

To carry out an SMS marketing campaign was never so easy and simple. Sen SMS and reach your clients the easiest and most efficient way. We have the best worldwide routes at the best prices, and thanks to a highly optimized platform, you can have campaign self-management.

Sign Up


Manage your databases with full confidence, freedom, and safety. Insert the numbers directly or insert the test numbers at which the campaign is aimed.

Excluding numbers

Segment your database by any of the included fields so that you can use the same database for different campaigns.

Panel with contacts table: options to export or delete a contact.

Database segmentation

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Test numbers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Saepe, sed optio tenetur iusto, incidunt voluptate beatae itaque quo ex, voluptatum veniam porro. Omnis, nulla libero porro tenetur magni at eos.

Campaigns management

To have complete management of your campaigns, it takes only a subscription on our platform.
Customize your campaigns to get reports and statistics through filters.
See and analyze more detailed reports and statistics, with the option of downloading them.
You'll be able to stop one of your campaigns and later reactivate them,
as if you copy, save and edit them for a convenient time

Other functionalities

Through our platform, you have access to a lot of functionalities. Among which we emphasize:

Events programming

Program your campaign sendings so that they happen at the ideal time and day.

Special characters

Choose the encoding you wish (UTF or GSM) to control whether or not to send the message with special characters.

Text customization

Message customization. Customize your campaigns with names, nicknames, or other information from your database. The recipients will see the customized message, and this will increase the openings percentage and the promotion's efficacy.


Message pre-visualization: avoid errors with the pre-visualization tool before you send it.